Thursday, October 1, 2009

I did three paintings..

yesterday... but totally forgot to take pictures of them.

They were 6x6 oil paintings of my industrial landscape series. I had to finish them last night
for Hilary's charity event, so there is a chance I will never see them again.

How does a photographer forget to take a photo?

Well.. if they sell cool!... and if not I will document them.


  1. I wanna see! I'm sorry but I want to see them more than I want them to sell and disappear into the oblivion of the auctioned art void. I hope that doesn't make me a bad friend:)

  2. No.. sadly I kind of agree.. As much as I want to help charity and make money.. I do wish I had some documentation of them at least.

    I am going to ask Hilary to write that I can borrow them anytime if I have a show of my series.
