Friday, September 25, 2009

This is whats up (with me/ in relation to your location)

I've been working on all sorts of crazy stuff (some of which I already destroyed and did not photograph). But here are the few works I have photos of. The two white ones are part of a series of 8 embossed drawings. The odd man out was a play of perspective with an over head with a strip of sky and grass or earth. The other two are a part of the continuation of the drawing I did for the paper show. I want to try to do decisionless art (I see that in your art val) but ya, I don't know. This is odd (this whole blogging thing) I feel like I'm repeating myself. Leanne you better talk to me lady otherwise this seems kinda silly... Otherwise Val, I don't really understand the point of all of these different ways of communicating. Why couldn't this just be an email or a Facebook thing, or even a phone conversation like last night? It's odd all this ephmera... I don't really think its my style. Is this just for the sake of being able to communicate on our own terms and in a segregated environment? We are here to write about and look at art, yes? Or is this mock stoodyo? A place to vent and fuck about? Alright... truly I digress. But I'm still confused. And so this formatting! Love you guys. Miss you dearly.


  1. The light blue and black drawing is striking me. It plays with landscape-tual ideas and only partial containment. The red and black drawing, on the other hand, is containment within a leak of chaos without the option to roam through the chaos :)The light blue and black is a containment of discovery -- passing through chaos -- stopping to explore certain spots. Yes... I'm crazy...but this is what it brings up for me.

  2. I really like the everything/nothing pieces. Very strong conceptually!

  3. Thanks for the sweet comments guys!! The red one is actually gold blue and pink... Really 70's sci-fi. I also did 4 more of the nothing and everything embossed drawings saying 'almost nothing' 'specialized everything' 'category' and '(concept)'. I think your right on the money with your description Val... and yes we are all crazy.
